Webinar – Asset segregation and ECPI in an SMSF

Self-managed super funds are subject to special rules when it comes to being able to segregate assets to support a pension for income tax purposes, however, this doesn’t mean an SMSF that doesn’t satisfy the rules is unable to segregate assets.  Segregation is not just about tax exemption, although that is a big consideration, it’s also about member choice and how investments are used to meet a fund’s objectives.
In this webinar, Tim Miller from Smarter SMSF will work through the actuarial requirements for an SMSF paying a retirement phase pension including when an SMSF can and can’t segregate and when segregation is deemed to occur naturally.  Further, Tim will delve into the area of asset segregation for member choice and investment strategy purposes. 
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this webinar, participants will have an appreciation for:
  • how the disregarded small fund asset rules apply to pension establishment and ongoing pension management
  • Actuarial requirements, including choices, for SMSF trustees
  • segregating assets for SIS purposes rather than tax purposes
  • segregation tips and traps

Presenter: Tim Miller

Cost: Free

Date: Thursday, 17th October

Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30pm AEST

Tim Miller

Tim Miller is the SMSF Technical and Education Manager at Smarter SMSF and is one of Australia’s leading SMSF educators and presenters with over 25 years’ experience in the Superannuation industry.  His experience has been gained through providing legislative and compliance support to thousands of Trustees, Accountants and Financial Planners since joining the SMSF sector in 1999.  In addition to servicing the needs of SMSF clients, his practical and personable approach to compliance has made him a much sought after presenter.

Tim regularly presents at the major SMSF conferences and events, contributes to various trade and general publications, he is a Fellow SMSF Association Specialist and was awarded the CEO Award at the 2023 SMSF Association National Conference for services to the SMSF sector.