Property investments in an SMSF

Whether it’s interest rates, rental occupancy or market demands, property is always a hot topic.  From an SMSF investment point of view property has always been a popular investment sitting in the top 3 asset classes with listed securities and cash and term deposits. Based on 30 June 2020 ATO statistics, property represented about 20% of all SMSF investment, whether held outright or via a limited recourse borrowing arrangement, but if you then factor in property held via managed investments and unit trusts it would likely rival listed shares as the number one investment class.   Property investments attract a lot of attention, so they require a lot of attention.


In this webinar we will identify the various ways property can be held in an SMSF as well as any potential issues associated with the choices made having regard for both commercial and residential property.  We will also contemplate the ongoing administration, taxation and property management issues that need to be considered as well as the inevitable liquidity issues property can present. 


Leaning Outcomes:


At the end of this webinar, participants will have an appreciation for:

– The key distinctions between investing in property held directly versus investing in an entity that invests in property  

-Who should be undertaking improvements, maintenance and repairs of a property

-The taxation considerations of holding property in an SMSF

-Strategies that contemplate property and estate planning


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Presenter: Tim Miller

Cost: FREE

Date: 10th August 2022 (Wednesday)

Time: 12:30 PM – 01:30 PM AEST

Accredited CPD Education

SuperGuardian’s education activities are assessed against the SMSF Association’s professional education standards. Being recognised as an SMSF Association Accredited Educator enables us to work closely with the Association in lifting the standards of professional SMSF advice and services through quality SMSF education.


Tim Miller

Education Manager

Tim Miller is one of Australia’s leading SMSF educators and presenters with over 23 years’ experience in the Superannuation industry.  His experience has been gained through providing legislative and compliance support to thousands of Trustees, Accountants and Financial Planners since joining the SMSF sector in 1999.  In addition to servicing the needs of SMSF clients, his practical and personable approach to compliance has made him a much sought after presenter.

Tim regularly presents at the major SMSF conferences and events, contributes to various trade and general publications and is the author of one of the subjects of the SMSF Association Graduate Certificate delivered through the University of Adelaide and Kaplan, which has also been adopted as part of the CA ANZ SMSF specialist program.

Tim is an SMSF Association Specialist Adviser.


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