Let’s get started.

Once you have made the decision to establish or transfer your own super fund, you can begin the application by following the process in Step 1. If you wish to finalise the application on paper, please select one of the applications under “I’m an Adviser” and you will find a printable option available to select.

For further information on the SuperGuardian service, please view our Client Service Guide.

But before you do, kindly familiarize yourself with the Financial Services Guide and Terms and Conditions of our service.

Step 1: Complete our application

I'm an Individual

I'm an Adviser

Step 2: SuperGuardian welcomes you

Once the application has been received, you will be contacted by your qualified and dedicated Client Manager to formalise the agreement. They will be your one point of contact for any questions you have. We will then arrange your Welcome Pack for you.

You will be invited via email to set up your password to access your reports via our website if applicable.

Step 3: Start investing

Your time is now yours to focus on your investment strategy, and work closely with your Advisor to maximise your returns!

Common Questions

Your qualified and dedicated Client Manager will contact you upon receiving the application to formalise the agreement. They will be your one point of contact for any questions you have. Your Welcome Pack will then be prepared and provided to you.

Your Welcome Pack includes all relevant documents to facilitate the establishment or transfer of your SMSF. We will easily ear mark where you to need to sign but if you have any questions, your Client Manager is there to run through the Welcome Pack with you.

We can provide your Welcome Pack to you via email or post.

Once we have brought your fund up to date on our systems, we will provide you with instructions on how you can login for the first time.

If you need any assistance with any aspect of the engagement forms, simply call our client service team on 1300 787 576.


Superannuation administration made simple!

Access SuperGuardian forms here